Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Here are links to the boys' photo sites.NOTE: Almost all photos in the album have been resized to non-ridiculous sizes; this will make them sub-optimal for printing. If you want original large (i.e. high pixel count) images to download for printing, wallpaper, etc, please contact me.

I'm thinking about re-organizing the photos to go solely by month/year, not subdivided by kids. As I've discovered the hard way with Austin and Jonas, whenever there's a photograph that has both of them in it, I have to duplicate the photo in each kid's folder. That's a huge pain. And what do I do with photos of just me, just Amy, the cat, etc? So in the future I may just wipe it all out, create an album called "Family", and run with it. It's a huge project, though, so finding time may be a challenge.

Next challenge: figure out how to perma-stick this post to the front page. I don't think it's possible, actually, so I may have to find another place to put these links. [Update: aha. I put them in my profile, which shows up on the right side of the page. Awesome.]
This is a new blog. Geocities is shutting down soon, so I need a place to put links to kids' photos; I might use the blog for other stuff at some point, but right now I just need a good launch point.
