Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mo Teef

Quick post this morning. Devon's top 2 teeth have broken through in the past few days. He's been accordingly cranky and clingy, but I'm hoping that will pass now that the teeth have actually come through the gums.

We've also discovered that Devon adores stuffed animals. He'll hug and squeeze them, and laugh and giggle and put the biggest smile on his face. It's as close to utter elation as I think I've ever seen a baby. Who knew that stuffed animals could do that? Neither of our other kids ever had that kind of reaction.

Devon is still trying to stand free, and is getting pretty good at it. A few days ago at a friend's house he stood up for probably 20 seconds, so we know he can do it. He also tries to take steps but hasn't mastered that quite yet. :) Soon, though.

Last thing - the other day I put Devon in a push-behind car to tote around our back yard. To my surprise he started going "VROOM! VROOM!!" as soon as he got into the car, and continued doing it on and off for nearly half an hour. He'd also occasionally yell "GO! GO!" (well, it was actually more like "DOE! DOE!")...couldn't figure out if that was a coincidence or not, but I tend to think he was parrotting Austin with both sounds. It was impressive! And amusing to boot. I even have some video of the VROOMing, though it's not the best example of him doing it.

I know I'm weeks late on December '09 photos and at this point will probably just wait till February and do 2 months' worth. Sorry about that. It's been a crazy month.

That's all for now.

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